Shazia Hossen, better known as ‘ShazFit’, is a London based Personal Trainer and Online Coach, Founder of activewear brand Shathletics, Model, Events Organiser and Stylist.
The way Shazia sees it, fitness is a journey – not a destination. It is learning to not cave into the societal pressures and to instead aspire to be the best you can be, taking it one step at a time. That means embracing where you’re at now, while discovering the vastness of what you’re capable of through leading an active lifestyle - fuelling your vessel with nutritious food and making time to rejuvenate your mental, physical and spiritual health.
Shazia inadvertently began her fitness journey during her mid-teens, to help serve as an outlet from the mental strain of studying. She trained boxing, netball and athletics - it soon became a beloved addition to her regime. She later started strength training at her local gym, and when she shared her personal goal of achieving her first push-ups with a gym trainer his response was, “That’s not what girls usually train for”, which is a thought that hadn’t ever crossed her mind. Afterall, who gets a say in what girls should or should not train for anyway?
Born and raised in North London Shazia has experienced living and working among people of all walks of life from various cultures and backgrounds, unlike much of what she would see on female fitness pages across social media. Despite the fact Shazia made a bold decision, after having completed her level 3 diploma in Sports Science, to leap into the fitness industry. Through social media Shazia found her tribe and began building an empire based on what she believed was the future of women’s health, fitness and wellness - one that made space for women of all abilities, shapes, ethnicities and class. One in which strength was not a trait reserved just for men, in which choosing modesty is not perceived as meekness and where femininity is POWERFUL.
More about Shazia
Now a renowned personal trainer and multifaceted creative, whose platform has reeled in partnerships with brands such as Nike, Red Bull and Dove, you can preview some by clicking here. Shazia has leveraged herself to further spread the essence of self-esteem and empowerment through high profile catwalks, community fitness workshops and social media campaigns. As well as often appearing as a guest speaker and panellist at select events. You will also find exclusive insights into her journey via interviews in various publications including the Evening Standard, The Independent, Stylist Mag and Amaliah, to name few by clicking here.
The first thing she teaches her clients when stepping into the gym is confidence in owning their space.
Having worked with a diverse range of women with varying physical abilities over almost 5 years. Shazia has developed an understanding of her clients’ needs which go beyond an exercise program - understanding that all change starts from within.
Shazia’s philosophy centres embracing, honouring and building strong minds as well as bodies and encouraging women and girls to become the best version of themselves, whatever that may look like for them.
In the spirit of “being the change you wish to see in the world”, Shazia has hosted and organised a number of events that promote the celebration of womanhood and sisterhood through fitness/wellness workshops, charity dinners and women only parties – many of which are held at the illustrious Brixton Street Gym, where she is known to run weekly women only classes.
The vast ShazFit brand is built on authenticity, love, and spirit coupled with pure grit, strength and determination which is shared through all it touches.
Shazia enjoys that her platform connects her to such a beautiful community that she can share her insights on the benefits of holistic health and exercise.
Ultimately, she seeks to continue to empower women and young people through movement and imagery while inspiring inner and outer strength in all whom she encounters.